I am three years in and still growing. My life has changed. I am different. Also important to note, I will never plan for a sabbatical to last a certain amount of time. It's a beautiful process of saying "No" to a life that was and saying "Yes" to a new way of being.

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Yeah that’s one thing I learned, you cannot put an artificial time limit on it, although for most people (including myself) finances might be a limiting factor on how long you can do it. Unless one is independently wealthy, it typically cannot go on indefinitely.

Awesome that you can do three years!

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I love this! I took a 3-months sabbatical last year which turned into 6 months and while I learned a lot about myself, I think I was just getting started getting to know myself when it was time for me to go back to work. Basically, 3 months is nothing and 6 months is almost nothing 😅

The other thing I love about your article is that it feels so freeing and like I can breathe. It made me realize what was bothering me so much about all the messages around building something next to your job before you take the leap into a business full-time (I’ve seen a lot of these recently in the context of building a portfolio career). They give me the same vibe as people who tell you not to have any gaps in your CV, like every moment of time must be optimized. I know they mean well and want to be an antidote to the ‘no risk no reward’ & ‘hustle till you drop’ entrepreneurs but there’s still a lot of fear and optimization in that.

Your post almost feels like permission to take things one step at a time and allow myself to find my path. Even though I’m not taking a sabbatical now but venturing out on my own and I can’t quite afford not to make money for a whole year, I can afford to take a few months to find my way and let things fall into place. I don’t need to brute-force anything now :)

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Hi Anna, glad it was helpful to see a different perspective. We are in a perpetual journey of self discovery and a sabbatical can be an amazing tool if you can manage financially to take extended time off, which I appreciate that not everyone can.

So much career advice both from traditional recruiters and "hustle gurus" nowadays does feel restrictive and fear-based, like you have to do every little thing right or you will ruin your career forever. There is very little truth to that, especially if you have a good reason you took a break, and can show that you are a competent and thoughtful person upon your return or when applying for work. Sabbaticals are also becoming more common, and I think most recruiters secretly wish they could take one too! The one thing that is good about keeping your day job is that it provides a base of income, but for many people it's just too hard/time consuming to do a side gig too, and some companies even prohibit it.

I don't think I could've learned the things I learned about myself and what I want out of life and career without the extended time off. The pressures of a day job has a way of crowding out self-work, so I'm glad you could at least have 3-6 months, but I understand the need to return for financial reasons, I'm not wealthy enough to retire yet so I'm in the same boat.

Anyway I wish you all the best and will enjoy seeing how things unfold for you.

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Love this! When I told my company I was taking a sabbatical they offered me six weeks of unpaid leave. It was so tempting! I'm so glad I said it wouldn't be enough and committed to my year off.

How did you find groups of people that were also on sabbatical?

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Hi Brenna, you will have an amazing time. I didn’t join any groups but found people randomly- a friend posted on Linkedin he was taking time off, another friend was laid off, another guy I didn’t know made a video about his sabbatical and I just reached out directly. Once you embark on this journey you’ll inevitably find others along the path. I wish you the best!

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Thanks Dave!

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Some suggestions for sabbatical communities:

1. The Pathless Path

Community: https://pathlesspath.com/membership

Newsletter: https://newsletter.pathlesspath.com/

2. On Sabbatical

Community: https://www.cecilemarion.org/on-sabbatical

Newsletter: https://newsletter.cecilemarion.org/

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I’m 12 months into my 3 month sabbatical…

A lot of your thoughts resonate with mine. My issue was I tried to accelerate my NEXT THING (e.g. starting a new biz) at the start of my sabbatical.

This delayed my detach by ~3 months when I had a “WTF am I doing moment?”

Gonna write all about this too soon. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Yeah I did something similar, trying to consult almost immediately. Did a few gigs but it felt premature. Learned to just let things unfold in its own time.

I read your exit story, I worked in a healthcare startup too that IPOd and was acquired. Congrats on your career, some good advice in your posts.

Will be glad to follow along and see what unfolds for you!

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Thanks Dave for sharing. Not a lot of great exits in healthcare these days…

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I am going to try to not work for money for 6 months and just see how it goes!

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Thanks 🙏🏻

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